Each NFT has a rarity (R.) value, ranging from 0 to 14. NFTs can only swear fealty to an NFT of higher rarity rank.
Vassals can be gained in a few ways. The easiest way is to go to the my collection page and swear fealty within your own collection, NFTs owned by the same wallet
Secondly you can create fealty offers. Here you can offer a bribe to any NFT of a particular rarity or to a specific NFT, in exchange for swearing fealty to you for a certain amount of days
Fealty offers
Open fealty offers can be made on the my collection page after selecting the NFT you want to get vassals for. Give an input for the bribe you're offering in $GOLD, the amount of days you want this subject to become your vassal, the minimum rarity the subject should have, and your campaign message.
Specific fealty offers can be made on the underlords page, the fealty page, the overlords pages, and the NFT pages. Give an input for the bribe in $GOLD, the amount of days, and your campaign message. Creating a fealty offer costs 1 ALPH, which will be refunded when the offer is accepted or if you revoke the offer.
Increasing power
Each individual NFT has various stats like attack, hp, magic and more. When NFTs swear fealty, these powers are combined into votingpower, total attack power, and total defensive power
The votingpower of an R.0 peasant is 1, the votingpower of an R.1 knight is 2, the votingpower of an R.2 lord is 3. But if these NFTs are sworn to each other, the total votingpower of the lord can be calculated like this: ( (1) * 1.1 + 2 ) * 1.2 + 3 = 6.72, rounded to 7. This is how votingpower is exponentially increased higher up the ladder
Attack and defensive power
The total attack and defensive power is calculated in a similar way, but also included other factors like the stars count, the magic of the NFTs wife or husband, the wisdom of the NFT, and the amount of lives
Last updated